The Den of Singing Bear

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Pagan Pride

October 1, 2007

What a wonderful time, Saturday was a day to attend workshops and introduce my daughter to all the wonderful people that are important to me in my life. Sunday was a day to laze about and do random things. truly an enjoyable weekend. I am more anxious than ever to finish a number of songs and get them out into the universe we know. Also very interested to attend some more weekends with the community.

Keep in mind that Common Sense is the least  common of the senses.

Posted at: 02:16 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

New Perspectives

September 28, 2007

            A great deal has happened since I started this page. I attended Sacred Harvest Festival hosted by Harmony Tribe. I have started working on Music and doing some writing since the festival as well. There were a number of persons that were instrumental in helping these changes into effect. I owe them a significant debt of gratitude for the work they did, at least one of whom was as unrelated to me as Adam. Joe and Tracy for getting the process started and seeing it to conclusion, Andrea for just being there and participating in something that was to say the least a karmic minefield, Amy for taking on something for a person they knew nothing about, and last but not least Brad and Tree for their Guidance, and Direction. These people healed something inside of me that I thought was wounded and scarred permanently and I owe them in a manner I can only hope to repay, through hard work for others as they have worked for me.

            As for the writing I am doing well I will eventually publish it but some more work needs to be done. Let’s just say that at some point I...

Posted at: 12:59 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


April 4, 2007

Twice divorced Grandfather from my first Marriage. I like to fish and hunt as well as take pictures and Play Guitar. Just a three chord folkie for the most part but I am told I sing well when I play for others. I also enjoy being of service to the 12 step community and my Alano Club.

Artificial Inteligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I forgot to add that I am an ardent Civil Libertarian, the key word being Civil. That means, as a Supreme Court Justice said "A persons right to wave his arms about, ends where another persons nose begins". My civil liberties are mine to express, and passing laws to force me to conform to your opinions is the greatest violation of liberty, yesterday, today or tomorrow.

Posted at: 03:59 PM | Permalink

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